with Megan Hottman

Ep.51: Joe Howdyshell, Badass Coach



If you listened to guest Walt’s episode (Ep.46), you know that his coach Joe played an important part in his discovery of his heart issue and need for surgery (which likely saved Walt’s life). Given all that Walt told me about Joe, I had to host him on the show!

Joe’s website: https://www.summitenduranceacademy.com/about-me/

I enjoy watching & helping people have those breakthroughs. It’s about when the light goes on and I can tell somebody just did something they didn’t think that they could do, and getting to that point where they start to question all of their other limitations – when they start to see that they did this one thing that wasn’t on their radar before, and they look around saying, what are other things I could do?!” - Joe Howdyshell

Books Joe recommends:

Atomic Habits: James Clear & Ryan Holiday: The obstacle is the way

SPONSOR: Crafted Energy : https://www.craftedenergy.com/

EPISODE EDITING/COMPILATION: Relish Studio: https://relishstudio.com/